
I interrupt this brake for a few little pictures from Christmas dinner, with Ben's mom & a couple friends. It was a super mellow relaxing day. Dinner was risotto with lots of veggies on the side, and way to many sweets after.

Remember these little guys? Perfect for Christmas.

Ben shaved!

Yes, we played Apples to Apples after dinner.

Mannie has many admirers. Britt is among his most adoring.

Hope you all had a nice weekend, whatever you did.

{okay. back to breaking. I just wanted to share before we can't handle any more holidayish posts!}


  1. Wow. I want to play cards at your house. Beautiful photos, table, people, cat and vibe.

  2. ...and joe is now growing a beard. the universe is balancing itself in a weeeeeeird way this week.

  3. so sweet. i love how mannie is such a snuggler with your friends. that is so cute.

  4. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Love the floral arrangement in the little vase! Gorgeous.

  5. pete kinda grew a beardstache before we returned to civilization in jaipur and it was fine until it turned, like, strawberry blond. NOT ok.

    ben rocked the facial locks but i have to say, he looks rul hansy now sans beard. go ben.

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    this looks like a lovely christmas...

  7. YOU KIDS. So lovely and cosy. Happy everything to you!

  8. this looks absolutely perfect. happy happy :)

  9. I love that everything is green. Very nice. Thanks for sharing. xo.

  10. Cucumber? In water? As a drink? Why has something so delicious never occurred to me before?

  11. Did you ask everyone to coordinate with the decor, or are they just that awesome?

    Everything looks beautiful and so calm.
