Oh yeah, weather looks good, right?
Maybe not. weather dot com says 60% chance of thunderstorms on Sunday. Which might also include Saturday night.
I can't help but stress over this. If we have to rent a tent it will set us back over a grand, all over budget.
Oh, and there is the fact that it will pretty much kill the entire ambiance I have been striving to create. This is the part that really makes me sad.
So I know there is nothing I can do. But that is not making me feel better in this case. I am worried. It is bothering me.
Ben Left keeps brushing it off, saying "It's not going to rain." ?!?!? I am all for positive thinking, but really. Come on. If it were up to him I don't think we would have a back up plan. He woud just rely on this good feeling he has.
I explained to him how I felt and he finally offered some words of advice;
"if you get over it now, it won't be as big of a deal"
I think that is a good point. So, over the next day or two I am going to work on getting over it.

PS. searching "rainy wedding" on flickr didn't help. It was kind of depressing.
PSS. Sorry for these boring rants, I promise the next few posts will be more fun!
not depressing wedding pictures from here
You and me both.