
(heading to farmer's market)

(at the station during the walkabout)
(practicing sitting up. with blocks.)

(being adorable)
(tasting my hair)
(tasting dad's hair)

(dinner time)

How do I get back to taking photos of things that are not my baby? This is not a rhetorical question. Those of you that have been there and come out of it alive, advise?

The weather was beautiful this weekend. Saturday Henry and I had fun in Golden Hill & South Park; at the farmer's market, then playing in a little park, then watching the tour de fat bike parade go by (while feeling wistful that my best friend's marching band wasn't performing at it this year). That evening we walked to the Station and ate dinner, then cruised around the quarterly walkabout with some friends. Yesterday I pretty much battled getting the laundry folded all day. But we managed a trip to the park at the end of our street (H is just starting to enjoy it, swinging on our laps, putting his feet in the sand, and laying in the grass, looking up at the trees) and a pretty nice little dinner before the baby even went to bed. Notice his arms full of toys. Put three in front of him and he has the need to clutch them all tightly to his body. Hm.


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    First of all, I don't think it is unusual to take photos of your adorable baby. In fact, I would be worried if I didn't see pics of Henry here. In fact, your baby frequently makes me want a babe of my very own. Plus, your husband is handsome and that pic of you and Henry just makes me all full of joy.

  2. Too. much. cuteness. xo.

  3. Alright, you officially have one of the cutest babies EVER! This sounds a lot like our days lately... fun times hanging out at home, constant laundry, outings to the local brewery... of course for us in Portland, now it's raining, so no more park! I've got to figure out how Portlanders get their kids adequate outdoors time in this weather!

  4. please don't stop taking pictures of your baby. you are so good at it and he is so so cute. :) i love that first one of him on your back.

  5. Simply keep going and enjoy it! He is adorable and everything has its time; for now it's Henry-Time.

  6. I am deeply in love with your cute baby, so I don't want you to stop:).

  7. awwwwww what a cutie pie!

  8. Not sure how to NOT take pictures of Nelson either. I keep telling myself it's just a phase that I will grow out of.

    Your baby boy is so sweet. The "adorable" picture kills me.

    ps...What highchair are you using in the last picture?

  9. Amusingly, I was at everything you were at this weekend. Word. Weird. I love your perspective on it.

  10. @jasmine ha! you mean, perspective of everything as seen how it relates to the baby?

    did you also have a failed attempt to see the red tide friday night. (sad trombone)

    @kate it is the inglesina fast table chair...

    and thanks everyone! i dont intend to stop (or even cut back) just... add in other stuff too!

  11. You don't. At least not within the first year. H looks just like you, which I love.

  12. you have the most beautiful family!

  13. your dinner looks so yummy! and healthy!! xx

  14. Aw, he's really growing up! These are so cute!

  15. He is looking so great! We're enjoying our new baby girl too. Wish they could have a play date together. ha.

    Glad all is so good!
