
objects usa is "a unique collective founded by three San Diego enthusiasts that combines in-depth research with examples of mid-century art and design."

When they have their occasional shows at Ronis & Associates, I love going and slowly, slowly looking at every last thing. The red enamel peice on the top left corner by Kay Whitcomb completely stole my heart at the last show.

all images via the objects usa gallery
(some people think mid century=waiting rooms. please)


  1. Mid-century included both Jack Kerouac and Frankie Avalon.

  2. Love love love. I'm desperate to go to their next show!

  3. if you do, make sure to stop next door to the gallery at influx
    . you will anyways. but it's my fave coffee shop. i practically lived there while i was in school. great pastries and fantastic cupcakes, i don't even go in for cupcakes all that often.

  4. (but, it is def NOT thrifty. i think they had a booth at the show in palm springs you just went to??)

  5. Cool. i like the collision between art and artifact.

  6. They did! I saw it, it's not thrifty but I love to look anyhoo. Their booth caught my eye that had some amazing ceramics.

  7. I didn't realize they only did a few shoes a year, I thought they were a store and put them on y "Things to do in San Diego" list.
