
Amanda, great idea. Can we do this all the time? Here is my belated round up of swaps. Below is the little package I put together for mouse. [Not the little vases, those were just holding everything up in the picture.]

And below is the a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e saguaro cactus vase that mouse sent me. [The accompanying chocolates were gone long before the photo session.] How did mouse know of my love for the cacti?

So much fun ladies! Thanks to Amanda and Mouse! XO


  1. HOLY MOSES! Look at that beautiful paper cut!

  2. Amazing papercuttingness. WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING?! Also, neato vase, Mousie. Also, swapping is my favorite.

  3. Lemme see, a desert fete, how *did* she know of your love for cacti....?

    So fab.

  4. That paper cut is gorgeous! You are so talented.

    And the little cactus vase is amazing. How did she find something like that?

  5. damn ... i think that is all i can say.
