These first three are my fav's. Notice a theme?
I am trying to decide which of these two vintage dresses to wear to a friends wedding next month. It is kind of a beach wedding, and I assume it is pretty casual [first dress] but I have never personally felt over dressed at a wedding. [second dress] The first dress fits like a glove, the second dress needs to be taken in. [They both look better on.]

Finally. Some skirts! I have had the hardest time finding good skirts lately. I am going to pair the second one with those boots up there.
Best for last. I have been yearning for a good industrial paper cutter for freaken ever. 7 Bucks! Yeah! PS ben got some good shirts, too.
I like the second one, but is it too "white" to wear to a wedding? I am etiquette challenged :P
ReplyDeleteSo jealous of that paper cutter! Amazing find. Of course, I would also happily have walked away with everything else you got, particularly that second purse.
ReplyDeleteI like the white one best, but how white is it in person? And would they care about that sort of thing?
I'm jealous of the paper cutter too. We just have a crappy one from staples :/
ReplyDeleteYeah. I am stoked on that paper cutter. I had been eyeing new ones longingly for a while...
ReplyDeleteI think it is OK since it is really cream, and not at all [ha, unless you are me] bride-y. I think the key is not looking like more of a bride than the bride, who will be wearing a long white gown at this wedding. So it should be safe. When in doubt, ask the bride, I will do that.....
I love the second purse and the boots. I have a slight obsession with boots. And I'm jealous of the views out your windows. I miss palm trees. (I live in central Texas. No palm trees or beach for me.)
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say that I have been totally telling people that I am on my "homey-moon". Maybe you should think about a trademark!!!?