Now that you all know my dirty little secret, pleeeease share with me your favorite non alcoholic drinks? We are planning a nice little dinner this weekend, and while Ben is enjoying a deliciously hoppy double IPA, and my girlfriends are sipping on body-warming wines, and maybe even celebrating with some champagne (champagne!) I want something other than sparkling water, dammit!
I was thinking a ginger beer concoction might be nice, since it will add the bite that alcohol usually provides. Maybe take off the sweetness with some soda water, splash in some lime & another juice, and just a dash of bitters?
But what about non-cocktail style, for you know, when I am scarfing down the cheeses before we even get to dinner?
Picture of Kate's LIC.
Ok so G. has been trying to perfect his ginger beer recipe for AGES. He has found that making a ginger syrup that you mix with soda water is easier and more predictable than trying to actually ferment shit. So he'll make a simple syrup and mix in some grated ginger, lemon, and maybe a bit of other spices like star anise, and let it simmer for 20 minutes or so, then strain it, and then we keep it in a little tupperware, and just add a tbsp or two to soda water to drink it. It's super easy and ncie!
ReplyDeleteWe have a bunch of straightedge friends so we always trying to do something nice drinkwise for them when they come over--will try to remember what our other successes have been!
First, congrats. And second, get the mint sparkling water from whole foods and add a little limeade = sorta mojito.
ReplyDeleteIf you are reaaaally craving a beer, this new research says it might not be that harmful to indulge: http://www.craftbeer.com/pages/stories/craft-beer-muses/show?title=beer-and-pregnancymdash-is-tasting-in-moderation-ok
ReplyDeleteKombucha is a good alternative to beer too.
We drink a LOT of sparkling water. (I prefer un-pre-flavored.) Very tasty with a splash of pomegranate or cranberry or insert-your-favorite-juice-here.
ReplyDeleteBut if you're already bored with sparkling, you may not be excited by this.
I'm such a dork, I saw this photo and almost commented "wow, I have almost the same photo!" D'oh!
ReplyDeleteYour ginger beer idea sounds good. Apple cider vinegar in ginger beer & lime could be yummy and taste alcoholic-like. Ha. I always say I will have no problem not drinking when I'm pregnant someday, but I'm sure once I can't have it I'll be driven mad!
oh man... being pregnant I've been testing out some non-alcoholic drinks. my favorite is fizzy water and grape juice. I even drink it from a wine glass sometimes... ha! you could always find a NA beer {there's one from guinness I had that wasn't too bad}, lime and spices and mix it with tomato juice for a michelada. or lemonade, fizzy water and a splash of san bitters then garnish it with a lemon wedge and cherry so it feels festive! enjoy!!
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, non-cocktail drinks. Do you want like names of companies?
ReplyDeleteThe "mocktails" over at behind the curtain might help.
ReplyDeleteI would add mint to the ginger beer with the lime. Also you might want to go with some ginger tea. Maybe a hot drink would help, plus you can get all flush faced and body warm with your wine drinking friends.
first off, you know my thoughts on drinking during pregnancy... as long as it's IN MODERATION, it's no big deal. i had a glass of wine for my birthday because it was MY BIRTHDAY, how could i not? that being said, the bartender at joe's work always makes me a delicious cucumber spritzer. it has the essence of a gin drink and always makes me very happy. it's basically cucumber juice, a splash of lime juice, a splash of soda water, and muddled basil (your favorite, right?). here's a good recipe for cucumber juice: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/sunny-anderson/mean-green-cucumber-juice-recipe/index.html
ReplyDeleteBoringly, I like Pellegrino and pomegranate and grapefruit juice mixed. And no, I didn't drink at all during my pregnancies. But what did we know, back then?
ReplyDeleteMaybe this isn't something I'm supposed to say, but I'd stand behind very light drinking while pregnant, especially once out of the first trimester. Say, a single beer, to celebrate the evening. But, I get it if that's not your thing.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I have no non-alcoholic suggestions. My non-alcoholic beverage of choice is water. Nothing in it.
our grocery store has been pimping carbonated hibiscus juice, and i find that 1) a splash of it goes quite well with your carbonated beverage of choice and 2) having the excuse to say "OOBA!" (the brand name) is quite enjoyable.
ReplyDeletenothing cocktail or mocktail about it, but my favorite smoothie ever is cranberry juice + a spoonful of plain yogurt + a scoop of frozen blueberries + a scoop of frozen strawberries + a teeny bit of agave nectar. never leave me, cranberry smoothie.
What's the doc say? Mine was cool with some vino now and then. I think the non-booze wines and beers have a smidgen of booze in them and may be ok as well in moderation? This dates me but my parents and their friends were all drinkers during pregnancy (1960's) Most were even drunk when they went into labor! Good times!
ReplyDeleteIf you drink Odoul's Amber with a slice of lime and try not to think TOO hard about the taste, it's ALMOST like drinking a real beer. Without the fun buzz of course.
ReplyDeleteMartha always has a suggestion: http://www.marthastewart.com/photogallery/nonalcoholic-holiday-drinks#slide_1
ReplyDeleteWhen we were in Palm Springs we had the most delicious water prepared by the Korakkia. It was basically different citrus fruits allowed to slowing diffuse (not squeezed) into the water. But I like Celia's suggestion too. I also like elderflower syrup, I used to put it in my water constantly while in Denmark. I think you can find cheap bottles of it at Ikea put it in sparkling water with a bit of mint or basil.
ReplyDeleteIt's so much cheaper here then if you import it.
Can I just say that I prophesied your pregnancy months ago (well...at least I read into all your very tiny hints!)
ReplyDeleteI just had a really good wintery drink at the Prado (?!) that could be non-alcoholic very easily. It was caramel vodka (?), mulled apple cider, and steamed cream, with lemon and cinnamon on the rim. I wouldn't drink it every day, but it was perfect for cold weather.
I know a lot of people are drinking during their pregnancies now, but my midwife advised against it. Her thinking was why mess with something that had any potential to be harmful...I know it's very personal but I tended to agree.
And...a huge congratulations and cyber-hug!
I am with a few other of these ladies, have a drink of wine with dinner!! And virgin mojito is good!
ReplyDeleteGet a tall glass tumbler.
Fill it with lots of ice cubes.
Cut a lime in half, squeeze all the juice you can into the glass then drop the rest of the pulpy wedge in with it too.
3/4 fill the glass with cloudy apple juice. Not regular apple juice, it's gotta be cloudy.
Fill the rest with fizzy lemonade.
Sooooooo amazingly good. and if your friends want in on the deal, a dash of vodka in it is good too
Good old fashioned Martinelli's sparkling cider. Festive, bubbly, not too sweet, and almost tastes alcoholic.
ReplyDeleteAlso, hot mulled cider, if you want something warm. Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and William-Sonoma have great mixes. Or make your own: simmer apple cider with a sh*t-ton of cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, allspice, a few black peppercorns, and sliced whole oranges. The longer it does its thing on the stove the better. You can drink yours straight, and for your guests add a bit of whiskey. Win-win. And YUM.
I am a new follower of your blog, and a former San Diego native, and even though I'm essentially a stranger, I just had to say how excited I am for you both! Congratulations! I know, it's kind of weird that I could be excited for someone I've never actually met, but truly, I am. :)
ReplyDeleteThere's a restaurant in LA (Gingergrass) that makes a "lime basil elixir" , which is pretty stellar. You'll need a lot of basil (preferrably thai), a bit of mint, limes, sugar and sparkling water. The way I made it, we made simple sugar, then pureed the basil and mint forever, and put it in a fine weave strainer, which I then poured lime juice and simple sugar over, until we ended up with a limey/basily simple syrup. Add that to sparkling water. It's got dramatic colors, and delicious taste.
ReplyDeleteOh, I know that problem. Maybe, alcohol free beer (Estrella Damm was the one I liked best) and some sort of lime, sugar, mint, ice mixture (Pregnancy Mojito)? Or just have a glass of red wine. In England it seems to be quite normal for women to have the odd glass of wine and herein Spain, well, you can actually see pregnant woman smoke in public.