We don't have a TV right now, so for our television fix we watch DVDs or download on netflix. I am looking for a new series to watch, and am reminded of the ever burning question, why the heck hasn't The Wonder Years been released on DVD??!?!??
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It's because of the astronomical cost of securing music rights.
ReplyDeleteThe distributors of the show and the artists whose music appeared on the show have never come to an agreement. They could replace the music with other music, but they don't want to, since it was such an important part of the show.
huh, i just learned something! fancy that.
ReplyDeletei recently downloaded freaks and geeks, breaking bad (all seasons), damages and, um... gossip girl. they're all proving enjoyable. eastbound and down and bored to death are high on my list of to-do's as well.
i seriously considered being winnie cooper for halloween (i look so much like her that they called me mini winnie as a child), but decided against it because it's not obvious enough. maybe another year.
ReplyDeleteoh my god, i loved that show (still do). my mom, sister, and i watched it religiously.
ReplyDeletewow, i never knew that's why they couldn't put it on dvd. total bummer. my husband and i have been watching arrested development instantly via netfix. it's addicting.
i went to college with fred, who was known for being something of a douche. everyone's favorite (possibly apocryphal) story involved him answering a question loudly and incorrectly (and being corrected by the prof for it) and someone behind him narrating, "i felt so foolish."
ReplyDeleteExcellent question! The answer makes me sad.
ReplyDeletedang. someone already told you the answer. i was all excited that i actually KNEW why it wasn't on DVD yet... it was my most favorite show ever.
ReplyDeletei loved karen, the older sister.
come on guys i LINKED to the wikipedia article on it. i knew *why*. it was a rhetorical question.... (albeit an unobvious one...) WWHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
ReplyDeleteIf you find a good one on Netflix instant, tell me. xoxo
ReplyDeleteha, we were just talking about kevin & winnie the other day... sigh... :)
ReplyDeletewe're watching THE WIRE right now & it's great, as is breaking bad. freaks & geeks and arrested development, obvs. oh, and that true hidden gem of a show: FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. so so good.
i posted about the wonder years last week because i found a channel that's finally showing the repeats. it's called the hub and i'm so happy, because it's my favorite show ever. this probably makes you want to tell me to go f- myself, since the whole point of your post was that you don't have a tv right now. i just thought i'd share, in case you get one at some point. :) we're also watching breaking bad on netflix right now though and it's good.
ReplyDeletei third freaks and geeks. i can't believe i never watched it when it originally aired. it's only one season, but it's awesomely awkward.
ReplyDeleteI never even heard of freaks and geeks. I'm excited to check it out now!
ReplyDeleteI love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (if you've never seen it, I could probably even send you a copy - I push it on everyone).
I also love Weeds and Curb Your Enthusiasm. I guess these aren't really new, but I still like them.
ReplyDeleteJust get it. And don't go into it with any expectations of what a cop vs. drug gang show is supposed to look like because it's got a different pace and different writing style than any other TV show you've ever seen. Slate said it "achieves the same level of character depth as great literature." Just give yourself a few episodes to get into it and you'll. be. hooked. Omar is my favorite character from TV, PERIOD. There's an entire class at Columbia University JUST ON THE WIRE and the study of the failed American city.
I'll stop pitching it now; just go get it. Seriously.
I'm resisting the urge to type in all caps:
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't watched Jekyll on Netflix - British mini-series - you MUST watch it. It's amazing.
Just in case you haven't watched them:
30 Rock, It's Always Sunny, The Office (both), Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, Lie to Me, soooo many more.
I second BigBANG. My husband once told me that if we ever have a kid he'd like to name him Omar. It's a brilliant show.
ReplyDeleteAlso loved Generation Kill - HBO miniseries. Anything on HBO really.
For giggles The Office & Arrested Development, Flight of the Conchords but I think you've watched them?
Oh I forgot one: Spaced. It's got Simon Pegg in it and it's really funny.
ReplyDeleteHi there!
ReplyDeleteMy husband is also upset on a regular basis when he thinks about how he'll probably never have the Wonder Years on DVD. And yes, it's because of all the music rights they'd have to figure out.
I'd suggest Mad Men, the Sopranos, Arrested Development, or Freaks & Geeks for watching, if any of those are new to you!
Northern Exposure.
ReplyDeleteAgreed with BigBang, The Wire is the best TV show of all time, in my opinion. Also awesome (and addictive):
ReplyDeleteBreaking Bad
Mad Men
Freaks & Geeks
Oh, I'm the queen of Netflix serial TV watching. Here are my faves:
ReplyDeleteFreaks & Geeks
Mad Men
& all of My So Called Life is on Hulu
(You can also watch full episodes of The Wonder Years on Youtube if you're clever with your searching. Illegal but satisfying.)
thanks for all the suggestions guys. ;)
ReplyDeleteyou won't leave your home for days. swears.
I definitely agree with The Wire suggestions -- it is the best series ever created. For more fluffy fare, definitely Friday Night Lights!