Well, I like it anyway. Alot.
I don't know I could have made it this far [four years into a five year program] studying architecture without it. Who else was going to keep me awake those long nights while making drawings a couple of days before a presentation with such captivating, sweet, sincere, shocking, intimate [insert pretty much any adjective here] stories of, well, American lives? Or occupy my thoughts while for hours on end mindlessly building models on so many lonely Sunday's when more well rounded students were out taking the day off.....
Thanks Ira & crew, thanks.
Check out this episode on the Sanctity of Marriage, which offers in it's first act some intriguing insight on what makes for a lasting marriage.
or this Valentine's Special, shining the light not on the love known by new and passionate star crossed types- but the stories of couples years down the road, with unexpected tenderness.
Image of host Ira Glass from thislife.org.

totally agree. it's just the most excellent show on the radio. It makes my monday to listen to their podcast from the weekend at work.