he could not have been more surprised had he come upon a group of holiday makers stirring up a cloud of dust as if it were june... 'and yet,' he mused, 'of all places for a fete- this wilderness!'
......everything looked old and derelict... and yet the whole scene had a mysterious air of festivity. coloured reflections came out from low rooms where no doubt lanterns had also been placed, in windows overlooking the country side............. A heavy wooden door, arched at the top and studded like the door of a presbytery, stood ajar. The young dandy went in. Meaulness followed and had scarcely taken a step in the hall before finding himself in the midst of laughter, song, shouts, and scamperings, though there was no one in sight...... before Meaulness could ask anything more they reached the door of a large room with a low ceiling, where a great fire was blazing.Tthe tables were spread with white cloths, and around them was seated a very mixed gathering of people, dining in style.
-Excerpt from Le Grand Meaulness by Alain-Fournier
......everything looked old and derelict... and yet the whole scene had a mysterious air of festivity. coloured reflections came out from low rooms where no doubt lanterns had also been placed, in windows overlooking the country side............. A heavy wooden door, arched at the top and studded like the door of a presbytery, stood ajar. The young dandy went in. Meaulness followed and had scarcely taken a step in the hall before finding himself in the midst of laughter, song, shouts, and scamperings, though there was no one in sight...... before Meaulness could ask anything more they reached the door of a large room with a low ceiling, where a great fire was blazing.Tthe tables were spread with white cloths, and around them was seated a very mixed gathering of people, dining in style.
-Excerpt from Le Grand Meaulness by Alain-Fournier

image from here.
This is, of course, my first post.
Let me say from the start, I'm doing things a little backwards. I intend this to be a wedding planning blog, even though my wedding is exactly 1 month away [and mostly planned!] but over the months I have gathered way too many wonderful ideas and great inspiration and advice not to share, so here goes!
As an architecture student, I expect to post about a lot of design related subjects. As an architecture student, I expect to post a lot about budget planning. [ha!] Also expect alot of DIY & practical type stuff, and of COURSE the occasional diversion!.
I hope you enjoy!
-a picture of me [in the foreground] and him [in the background].

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